Presda Primary School Finance - Presda - Schools in Zwavelpoort - Presda Primary School

Primary School
  012 996 1629
  Saints St, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria
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A deposit equal to the amount of one month’s school fees must be paid before your child is admitted into the school
Banking Details
Account Number
010 188 725 - Cheque
Branch Name
ABSA Menlyn

School fees are determined by the School Board and are adjusted annually
New Application Fee: R915 per family (not   refundable)
Re-registration Application Fee: R880 per family   (not refundable)
Stationery Pack (once off): Grades RR-6: R1 250   per learner
Stationery Pack (once off): Grade 7: R1 600 per   learner
Book fee (once off): Grade R: R700 per learner
Book fee (once off): Grades 1 - 3: R1 250 per   learner
Textbook Rental Fee (once off): Grades 4  -6: R550 per learner
Textbook Rental Fee (once off): Grade 7: R700 per   learner
Number of Learners
School Fee
Bus Fee
Total Fees per month
1 ChildR3 150R2 000
R5 150
2 ChildrenR5 985R3 400
R9 385
3 ChildrenR8 663R4 800
R13 463
* Bus fee is R2 000 for a radius of 40km and below. R2 200 for a radius above 40km

Option 1: School fees are paid for the year in advance. A 5% discount will be given on the tuition amount. Fees to be paid in by January 31.

Option 2: You may also pay for six months in advance (in January and July) and receive 2.5% discount.

Option 3: School fees are payable in advance for 12 months January to December.

Your account must always be up to date. Failure to meet agreed upon arrangement, you will be handed over for debt collection. Your account should be never over by 30 days or more. We rely on school fee funds to run the school.

Bus Services

Presda has several buses which transport learners to and from the school at an additional fee.

Parents are requested to contact the bus driver or the school in advance if their child will not be making use of the bus on any specific day. This will save fuel and time.

Learners who make use of the bus service are expected to adhere to the bus rules. The bus rules will be brought to the learners’ attention from time to time. Parents will also receive a copy of the bus rules. Learners are required to be quiet and peaceful on the bus at all times, in order to ensure their safety.

 012 996 1629

Saints St, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria
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